Pauline Williah

Pauline Williah

Pauline Williah is a young artist of Tłįchǫ descent. She has lived in Behchokö all her life and is a single mother of 4.

Pauline learned about arts and crafts through her parents. Pauline stated " I have to thank my father Francis Williah for providing caribou and moose hides and my mother Marie Williah for tanning the hides and for teaching me how to cut, print, bead, embroider and sew items together. Both my parents have been instrumental in teaching me about my art."

Pauline started working on her crafts from age 9 and improved her skills over the years. Pauline can make gloves, mitts, moccasins, coats, and much more.

Today she sells and displays her work on the Tlicho Online Store, and runs and operations her own store "Northern Crafts Store" in Yellowknife, NT.  Check out her facebook site here! 



Pauline Williah Behchokö, NT X0E 0Y0 Telephone 1-867-392-6430 Email: pwilliah[at]hotmail[dot]com