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Welcome to the community of Whatì ( formally known as Lac La Martre).  The Community name was officially changed in 2005 to Whatì under the Tłı̨chǫ Agreement. In 2010 NWT Bureau of Statistics reported the community population of 497.

Whatì is set on a magnificent Lac La Martre, one the largest lakes in the Northwest Territories. The lake boasts ideal fishing year round. Some of the largest Lake Trout and Northern Pike on the planet can be found in these waters. It is also situated along the North American north/south bird migration routes. Each spring and fall, the area’s marshes host thousands of ducks, geese and other migratory species that gather here to feed.

Community members actively participate in traditional activities including hunting, fishing, trapping and arts and crafts. Over 92% of the community fluently speaks their Aboriginal Language - Tłı̨chǫ (2009 NWT Bureau of Statistics).

The community infrastructure is a perfect blend of traditional meets contemporary. Log homes, remnants of the original dwellings constructed when Whatì became a permanent settlement are contrasted with modern day conveniences such as the youth center, culture center and the well-equipped Mezi Community School.

Services in the community include: a Catholic Church, RCMP, grocery store, bed & breakfast, and convenience store. Fine and decorative arts, like beaded jackets, mitts, gloves and moccasins, are available for purchase through the Whatì Community Store.

Several kilometers by boat, there is a comfortable camp for trout fishing enthusiasts. Closer to the community, you can relax on a visit to the waterfalls or fish for Grayling at the rapids. Local residents can provide guided tours and fishing excursions.

Whatì  located on Lac La Martre at 63°08'N , 117°06'W, 164 air km northwest of Yellowknife. The community is serviced by daily scheduled flights from Yellowknife. 

In the winter, the community is accessible by winter road. The 125 km drive begins at Highway 3 near Behchokǫ̀.

Alcohol is prohibited here, by community plebiscite.

Population (2010): 497

Primary Language (2009): 92.8% speak Tłįcho 
Traditional Activities (2008):
          47% Hunting & Fishing
          15% Trapping
          78% Consume Country Foods.

Taken from the NWT Bureau of Statistics

For information, please email


Wha Ti Ko Gha K'aode (Whatì Community Store)

This company operates as Whatì Community Store (WCS), the only grocery store in Whatì, and offers services of a general store, some banking functions and the community post office. The store currently has one unit available for B & B services. It was incorporated December 19, 2000. The store provides the following services: post office, cash machine, groceries, hardware, dry goods, postcards, souvenirs, community bulletin board, and financial services.

Store Hours:

  • Open Monday to Friday from 10:00 am to 8:00 pm
  • Open Saturday from 12:00 pm to 6:00 pm
  • Open Sunday from 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm

Contact Information:

For any general inquiries, please contact TIC's main corporate office at the number (867) 766-4909 or by email

Choo-Choo's Kitchen & Bake Shop

For more informatin contact Tracella Romie
Tel: 867-573-3884
Cell: 867-492-4687
House 738, PO Box 108, Whatì, X0E 1P0


Whati Motel

Lac La Matre Development Corporation runs Whati Motel which is in Whati, NT. The motel holds 8 rooms with a total 14 beds, it offers free Cable, Wi-Fi & laundry facilities & also a restaurant. We also operate 5 bed & breakfast which holds 15 beds in total. Free Cable, free wifi, laundry facility & restaurant. Pick-up and drop-off can be arranged.

For Bookings/Pricing Contact:

For any general inquiries, please contact TIC's main corporate office at the number (867) 766-4909 or by email

Lac La Martre Development Corp’s Bed & Breakfast

Lac La Martre Development Corporation also provides a Bed & Breakfast aside from the Whati Motel. The B&B has an open concept living area with a fully-equipped kitchen, dining and living room with satellite TV. Breakfast is self-serve. When booking please note if you require pick-up/drop-off.

Guest Directory:

  • 614 Unit Guest Tel: (867) 573-3202
  • 620 Unit Guest Tel: (867) 573-3038
  • 721 Unit Guest Tel: (867) 573-3595

For Bookings/Pricing Contact:

For any general inquiries, please contact TIC's main corporate office at the number (867) 766-4909 or by email


Northern Exposure
 is a family business with a single goal: to provide the best quality service at the best rate possible, saving money on freight allows northern company's to be more competitive and sustain an edge over there southern competition. We are a truly locally northern owned and operated freight company providing ltl service and ftl   between Yellowknife and Edmonton.
Tli Cho Air

Tli Cho Air Inc. is a joint venture between Air Tindi Ltd. and the Tłı̨chǫ Investment Corporation. The joint venture operates a diverse fleet of aircraft offering charter air services throughout the Tłı̨chǫ region. Scheduled air passenger and cargo service to the Tłı̨chǫ communities are provided by Air Tindi Ltd.

Contact Information:

  • P.O. Box 685, Yellowknife, NT, X1A 2N5
  • Tel: (867) 669-8200
  • Fax: (867) 669-8210
  • Toll Free: 1-888-545.6794
  • Website:

Community Government

Community Government

Contact Information for Community Government of Whatì

Senior Administrative Officer: Lisa Nitsiza (

Mailing Address: PO Box 71 Whatì, NT X0E 1P0

The Behchokǫ̀, Gamètì, Wekweètì and Whatì Community Governments were established on August 4th, 2005 as a result of the signing of the Tłı̨chǫ Agreement. It is an independent public government with powers and responsibilities similar to the municipal government of other NWT communities.

Tłı̨chǫ Community Government Act established the community government of Behchokǫ̀, Whatì, Gamètì, and Wekweètì, and describes their boundaries. This Act covers the composition and role of the community council, eligibility to vote, the duties of the chief, and it details the powers of these municipalities. A copy of the Act is available online from the Government of the Northwest Territories, or click here for the PDF copy.

The Tłı̨chǫ Community Government of Whatì is a municipal corporation with responsibilities for community planning, public works and community improvements, public utilities such as water quality, water delivery and sewage services as well as emergency response planning and fire protection, recreation and other services such as bylaw enforcement.

The Community Government administers all lands within Whatì, and regulates land use and development through its Community Plan, Zoning By-law, leasing, and Development Permit processes.

A Community Government Council consists of 6 members and lead by a Chief elected by Tłı̨chǫ citizens. Elections are every four years.



Chief: Alfonz Nitsiza

  • Sonny Zoe
  • Edzo Nitsiza
  • Michel Moosenose
  • Walter Beaverho
  • Rasinda Beaverho
  • Kerry-Ann Franki
  • Alex Nitsiza
  • Joseph Louie Moosenose


Alfonz Nitsiza

Council (Eight)

  • George Nitsiza
  • Leon Nitsiza
  • Alex Nitsiza
  • Mike Nitsiza
  • Edzo Nitsiza
  • Michel Moosenose
  • Joseph Moosenose
  • Rasinda Beaverho


 Alfonz Nitsiza

Council: (Eight)

  • Alfred Flunkie
  • Michel Moosenose
  • Alex Nitsiza
  • George Nitsiza
  • Leo Nitsiza
  • Ted Nitsiza
  • Jimmy B Rabesca
  • Sonny Zoe


Alfonz Nitsiza

Council: (Six)

  • George Nitsiza
  • Moise Nitsiza
  • Jimmy B Rabesca
  • Michael Rabesca
  • Freddy Simpson
  • Sonny Zoe


Michel Moosenose

Council: (Eight)

  • Alfred Flunkie
  • Mike Romie
  • Pierre Beaverho
  • Ted Nitsiza
  • Freddie Simpson
  • Charlie J. Nitsiza
  • Albert Nitsiza
  • Alfonz Nitsiza


TŁĮCHǪ Community Services Agency

Mezi Community School

Mezi Community School was named after Mezi Beaulieu, a respected elder who built the first cabin here sometime between 1850-1865 in what is now called Whatì. He is buried on the rim of land opposite the community where his grave is used as a place of prayer and feasting. Originally held in a wall tent in 1953, the school progressed to a log cabin in the early sixties to a larger log school, to the use of a community hall and a portable classroom to a modern school facility which was opened on the edge of the community in January 1983. Due to continuing growth, the school is now in the center of the community.


Mezi Community School offers programming from kindergarten through grade 12. Our students are primarily Tłı̨chǫ and their native language is called Tłı̨chǫ . We have a cultural program that carries on the traditional culture of the Tłı̨chǫ communities. We have an Aboriginal Language teacher who teaches Tłı̨chǫ from K -12. All of our students (K-8) receive Dogrib daily. There are three credit Tłı̨chǫ language courses offered at the High School Level.

We offer courses in Career and Technology. We offer special programs in Academy of Reading and Academy of Mathematics to those who are in need of extra help. Reading A-Z, Razkids (Reading Program), Star Fall (Reading), Super Sonic Phonics (Reading), LIPS (Reading), Reading Journey (Reading). This is coordinated through our Program Support Teacher (PST). We have a Positive Participation Program (PPP). The students are given ballots for doing something positive during the week. We have EBS program that has been used the last three years. We have a breakfast program that runs from the end of October to June. We have a cultural program that uses the equipment that the school has such as cabins, snowmobiles, boats etc. We usually have O Canada, morning prayer, and announcements in the morning. We have the Feeding the Fire Ceremony, which is performed, at the beginning of the school year. We have morning greeters.

TŁĮCHǪ Government

Tłı̨chǫ Government

On August 4th, 2005, the Tłı̨chǫ  Agreement came into effect and with it, the Tłı̨chǫ Government was established. 

The headquarters of the Tłı̨chǫ Government is located in Behchokǫ̀. There are Community Presence Offices in each community (Behchokǫ̀, Whatì Gamètì, and Wekweètì) representing the Tłı̨chǫ Government.  

Visit the Government section of the website to learn more about the programs and services provided by the Tłı̨chǫ Government. 

Please email for more information.  



Tourist Information

Tourist Information

NWT Tourism has a great site that tells the visitor “everything they want to know about the north”.

You can learn about cultural experiences, wildlife viewing opportunities, backpacking, parks and camping, sport fishing, sport hunting and much more.

Check out their site at