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Caribou Prime
Harvesting Ekwǫ̀ Responsibly

While the caribou population has faced challenges in recent years, our commitment to sustainable practices remains steadfast. Initiatives such as the "Ekwǫ̀ Nàxoèhdee K’è: Boots on the Ground" program have been instrumental in monitoring and supporting the recovery of the Bathurst caribou herd.

We urge all participants to harvest responsibly, ensuring that our practices today protect and preserve the caribou for future generations. By balancing tradition with conservation, we honor our ancestors and uphold the Tłı̨chǫ way of life.

Harvester responsibilities following Dene Laws & practices

  1. Make offering to the land.
  2. Only harvest what you need.
  3. Be respectful of other harvesters, the land, others, and yourself.
  4. Pass on the teachings. Share your knowledge and keep the stories going.
  5. Help and take care of each other.
  6. Be safe; dress appropriately for the weather, have good working equipment and gear, be prepared, ensure your rifle is sighted in and that you have the proper rifle and ammunition for caribou harvesting.

Respectful caribou traditional practices 

  1. Remove the head then place facing up. 
  2. Cut stomach from privates up to the neck. 
  3. Remove the hide. 
  4. Turn the caribou onto its side. Remove back straps. Separate the back and the neck. 
  5. Take out the stomach and guts. 
  6. Use all parts of the animal! Hides from winter harvest are useful, they can be made into clothing and tools. Insides have delicacies such as the heart and kidney. 
  7. Dispose of the caribou bones properly or they won’t return. 8. Know your carrying limit for packing out caribou.

Be sure to inform others of where you are going and check the current weather and road conditions before heading out. 

To find more tips and best harvesting practices contact

Stephanie Behrens
Wildlife / Fisheries Biologist
Lands Protection & Renewable Resources
p: 867-392-6381 ext 1364
