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NWT Youth Cultural Wellness Camp

Who will be running the Camp?

NTHSSA is partnering with Four Roads Consulting to offer this Camp. Four Roads Consulting is an Indigenous-owned and operated consulting business, with 29 years of experience working with communities to develop on-the-land programs, mobile treatment, aftercare programming and other wellness supports throughout the NWT and western Canada.

The Camp will include both Indigenous and Westernized approaches that allow for a graduated path leading to healing and an improved sense of wellness. Programming will consist of group sessions, individual sessions, and outdoor and cultural activities. Elders will be involved for teaching of traditional values and culture as well as counseling. Individualized community-based after-care services will be provided for 3 months after the Camp.

Why a land-based wellness Camp for youth?

This land-based wellness Camp aims to support youth in their healing journey while staying close to home in the NWT. Through both traditional Indigenous and westernized approaches, youth will have the opportunity to work through personal challenges, strengthen their connections with peers, family, land and culture and be empowered to take steps towards overall wellness. After care services will support youth in connecting with community supports while continuing to build on skills and develop positive relationships that will promote ongoing healing.

Who can attend?

This Camp is best suited for youth 12-18 years of age who are experiencing challenges related to substance use and mental health, engaging in high-risk behaviors, have current involvement, or are at risk of becoming involved, with the legal system, and are disconnected from positive supports and relationships. Youth should have an interest and willingness to seek support to address the above challenges as participation is voluntary.

Some factors to consider when applying may include:

  • Is abstaining from substances safe and realistic for the youth at this time?
  • Are there legal constraints (ie. court dates, no-contact orders, etc.) that need to be taken into consideration? 

Who can refer?

Any service provider or program support educator working with youth who meet the above criteria can complete an application. Involving the youth and their family in the application process is highly recommended.

The application can be found by:
1.Scanning the QR Code:
2.Visiting the NTHSSA website:
3.Emailing [email protected]
4.Visiting your local Child, Family and Community Wellness office

How often is the program run?

There will be two (2) separate 2-week long Camps offered between November and December 2023.

What happens after I attend the program?

After finishing the 14-day land-based Camp, youth will continue to receive support for three (3) months through after-care services in their home community. The purpose of after-care services is to support the youth in using the skills learned at the Camp and to connect them with community-based resources upon returning home.

The aftercare coordinator will work with youth 1:1 as well as work to bring together supports within the community to help youth feel connected, engaged, and supported.

Do I need to already be receiving services from Child and Family Services to apply?

No. Any youth interested in benefiting from the Camp and who meet the admission criteria can apply.

What happens if I don’t have a consistent place to live? Can I still attend the program and receive after care support?

Yes. Planning for after care begins before the Camp even starts to ensure youth are connected with the necessary supports when they go home. In cases where a youth needs help in securing a living arrangement that is safe and meets their needs, the after care coordinator will work with them to explore potential options. 

Do I need to pay for my own flight?

No. NTHSSA will cover the cost of travel of youth who attend the Camp.

What if I don’t have the right clothing or gear to be on the land?

With the support of NTHSSA, staff will ensure all youth have the necessary clothing and gear to attend the Camp comfortably.

Can my parent or caregiver attend with me?

Youths can request that a parent or caregiver attend the program with them. In these cases, the youth will attend parts of the program individually and other parts with their parent/caregiver to strengthen the connection, learn healing techniques as a family, and work through identified challenges. Parents/caregivers will not stay on site, however, accommodations will be arranged close by and transportation will be provided.

*Note: it is not necessary for youth to have a parent/caregiver attend the program.

Where can I find more information?

For more information, please contact [email protected] with questions or to request a callback and a staff member will be happy to connect with you! 

To apply or learn more, visit or scan the QR code or email [email protected]

Download: nwt_youth_cultural_wellness_camp_faq[83].pdf