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CEC Advocates for Indigenous Language Funding in Ottawa

As a part of Tlicho Government's commitment to Revitalize Our Language, Culture & Way of Life, the Chief's Executive Council joined efforts alongside 25 other Self-Governing Indigenous Governments in Ottawa February 6-9, 2023 to lobby Canada for funding for Indigenous language revitalization.

Tlicho leaders met with several political leaders and senior government officials to advocate for immediate and long-term funding for Indigenous self-governments to revitalize Indigenous languages. Language funding is critical to strengthen and protect Tlicho well-being, way of life, culture and identity. 

These lobbying efforts were a part of Tlicho Government's participation in the Self-Governing Indigenous Government Collaborative Fiscal Process. In this process, Tlicho Government's Department of Planning and Partnerships works together with the Government of Canada and 25 other Indigenous Governments to develop better funding approaches for our governments. Our participation has been successful in securing significant new funding for Tlicho Government in different areas such as governance and housing. The process is ongoing, and language is one area we are currently working on - in addition to many more. We are hoping our advocacy efforts will result in new funding in the near future for Tlicho Government to implement further language revitalization efforts and protect our language, culture and way of life.