Tlicho Winter Road - UPDATE
Please be advised the Whatì Winter Road is now open to 29,000 kilograms GVW.
The Gameti Winter Road is now open to 25,000 kilograms and the Wekweètì Winter Road is open to 15,000 kilograms.
Resupply efforts to the Tlicho Communities may start as early as next Monday.
Please watch and slow down for maintenance staff working along the alignment and engaged in flooding operations on various lakes.
If warm conditions forecasted for this weekend prevail the Department may restrict the Tlicho Winter Road system to Night Traffic Only on short notice.
All the information regarding the condition of the NWT highways and roads is available on the DOT site at: When you click on a segment of road, a window will open and will display the detailed conditions of that specific road.
Important updates are also on GNWT DOT Twitter: @GNWT_DOT.