This process is currently underway in Whati and will help the community identify risks to community safety and develop their own Community Safety Plan, or what we refer to as a CSP, to address those risks.
The process is led by community members with guidance and support from Public Safety Canada officials and a team of Indigenous Facilitators. The group of community members that come together to meet and drive the process of creating a CSP are known as the Core Group.
To date, the Whati Core Group has created a Vision for community safety (known in the CSP as the North Star) that will guide our CSP as well as some emerging Community Safety Priority Areas to help focus some of the actions and activities laid out in the plan.
If you are reading this, you are being asked to become a Core Group Member and join us in our future meetings to help us create this CSP.
For more information, please follow this link to watch a 14-minute video from PSC:
If you would like to catch up on the work that has been conducted so far and include your voice, please complete this survey on Whati safety issues and concerns: