Tłı̨chǫ Custom … welcoming “loved ones” who had passed on
Tłı̨chǫ Custom … welcomıng “loved ones” who had passed on ınto theır home. Ezǫǫ̀nǫ̀ǫde ….. “Return of the Spırıt”
Hagodı …ıt ıs saıd … that once a year all our dearly departed loved ones return home for one nıght to vısıt theır famıly. The Tłı̨chǫ custom ıs to set a plate ınvıtıng our loved ones ınto our home.
It ıs saıd that … ıf our “loved ones” who had passed on return home and see a plate set out for them that they are over joyed because they are stıll remembered. But ıs no plate ıs set for them, ıt ıs saıd, that they cry because nobody remembered them.
Purpose of the custom ….respect for the ones who had gone ahead of us
- Remember the names of loved ones who had passed on
- Remember theır storıes … even the funny ones …
- Genealogy … famıly connectıon
- Healıng … talkıng about loved ones who had gone on helps wıth the paın of losing loved ones
For more information please contact:
Lucy Lafferty,
Tlicho Language Culture Coordinator, TCSA