Tlicho Regional Heritage Fair
The Tlicho Regional Heritage Fair was held for the first time at the Jean Wetrade Gameti School. 26 projects were on display for the judges and community members.
Projects were divided into three categories, Grades 4/5, Grades 6/7 and Grades 8/9. First, second and third prizes are awarded in each category. The top five highest scoring projects would proceed to the Territorial Heritage Fair in Yellowknife, in May.
The awards ceremony opened with a prayer song by Gameti Drummers, and prayer by Germain Eyakfwo. All guests were welcomed by host principal Brendan Mulclay and opening remarks were shared by Henry Gon on behalf of Chief Wedawin. Gon spoke about the importance of a healthy Tlicho way of life. Tammy Steinwand from the Tlicho Community Services Agency and organizer of this annual event spoke about the significance of the Lamp Lighter Awards stating that the lamp represented the students and their growing knowledge (brightening the light) as they further their research on their respective projects. She also took the time say “masi cho” to all those that helped make the day possible: Summit Air, JWGS school staff and students for being wonderful hosts, the judges and the students for working so hard.
Congratulations to:
Grade 4/5
• Wolves by Emma Gautheir (CJBS)
• Preparing Caribou Hide by Gama Dryneck (EMES)
• Northern lights by Karmen Bud (EMES)
Grade 6/7
• Traditional Clothing – Carmen Fluckie (MCS)
• Traditional Tlicho Footwear – Jaynna Wedawin (JWGS)
• Marijuana & Alcohol by Danielle Bishop (MCS)
Grade 7/8
• Residential Schools by Mackenzie Tsatclua (MAS)
• Medical Powers by Tyreisha Apples-Rabesca (JWGS)
• Tlicho Legends by Seth Sanspariel (CJBS)
Top five overall projects advancing to Territorials in Yellowknife from May 8-11 are:
• Traditional Clothing – Garmen Fluckie
• Wolves by Emma Gautheir
• Residential Schools by Mackenzie
• Preparing Caribou Hide by Gama Dryneck
• Traditional Tlicho Footwear – Jaynna Wedawin (JWGS)
For more information please contact
TCSA Culture and Language Coordinator
Bag 5, Behchoko, NT X0E-0Y0
(867) 392-3000 ext. 276

