In 2018 the Tłıc̨hǫ Highway (formerly known as the Tłıc̨hǫ All-Season Road) was approved for construction to Whatì. Since then, the Tłıc̨hǫ Government has led the implementation of the monitoring programs along the now-operating Tłıc̨hǫ Highway.
The Tłıc̨hǫ Highway Socio-Economic Working Group was established in 2019 to monitor the social, economic, and cultural impacts of the Tłıc̨hǫ Highway. The creation of the working group was a result of the socio-economic measures addressed in the Environmental Assessment for the project. The goal of the socio-economic monitoring is to track the social health and well-being in Whatì and Behchokǫ̀ and assess how the road may positively and/or negatively impact community members. With representatives from the Tłıc̨hǫ Government, Community Governments of Behchokǫ̀ and Whatì, and the Government of Northwest Territories, the working group tracks information and changes related to six core themes:
- Economic well-being;
- Cultural well-being;
- Community safety;
- Early childhood education and student support;
- Health and well-being, and
- Child and family services.
Every year, the working group collects, analyzes and publishes information related to the six core themes. In December 2024, the working group released six posters highlighting current Tłıc̨hǫ Government programming and GNWT data related to each topic. Online versions of these posters can be found on the Tłıc̨hǫ Government website here: https://www.Tłıc̨hǫ.ca/government/departments/culture-lands-protection/Tłıc̨hǫ-highway-socio-economic-reports.
Looking ahead in 2025, the working group is excited to host events in community to engage Tłıc̨hǫ citizens directly in the work and ensure the approach best reflect the interests for both communities. The Tłıc̨hǫ Government has worked closely with its partners to develop strong social accountability measures to address the potential for impacts, including annual reviews, robust monitoring programs, frequent community engagement, reporting and adaptive management strategies. The Tłıc̨hǫ Highway stands as an exemplary model of Tłıc̨hǫ leadership and resiliency in an environmental assessment while promoting Tłıc̨hǫ language, culture, and way of life.
Download the complete set of reports: Tłı̨chǫ Highway Socio-Economic Working Group Feb. 5 2025.PDF
For more information about the study and the reports, please contact:
Tyanna Steinwand
Manager, Research Operations and Training
Dedats'eetsaa: Tłı̨chǫ Research and Training Institute
Department of Culture & Lands Protection
Tłı̨chǫ Government
p: 867-392-6381 ext 1357
c: 867-447-4704
e: [email protected]