Christmas comes once a year and this year I am pleased to announce another successful Taatı Gha Goyatı̀ T’a Edets’eèdzà 2021 Online Contest. The contest was open to all Tłı̨chǫ communities. Participants were asked to submit entries for one or more of the six categories. The focus of this contest was to bring family members together in a fun way using Tłı̨chǫ Yatı to strengthen oral and written language usage in the home using the theme of Christmas.
Ması̨ Cho, to all that have entered the contest.
Here are the winners:
Category 1: Christmas Window Decoration
1st Lisa Lafferty $200.00
2nd Molly Lamouelle $100.00
3rd Kelsey Mantla $75.00
4th Patricia Mantla $50.00
Category 2: Tlicho Christmas song
Elder category:
1st Therese Mantla $200.00 (Behchoko citizen)
Age 16-59
1st Helen Gon $200.00
2nd Krista Mantla $100.00
3rd Kelsey Mantla $75.00
Category 3: Christmas Love Song
Elder category:
1st Therese Mantla $200.00 (Behchoko citizen)
Category 4: Christmas story telling
1st Mable Bonnet $200.00
2nd David Lafferty $100.00
3rd Alice Joyce Mantla $75.00
4th Larry Jane Rabesca $50.00
Category 5: Ugly Sweater
1st Krista Mantla $200.00
2nd Patricia Mantla $100.00
3rd Elijah Jeremikca $75.00 (Whati citizen)
4th Kelsey Mantla $50.00
Category 6: Door decoration
1st Krista Mantla $200.00
2nd Patricia Mantla $100.00
3rd Molly Lamouelle$75.00
4th Sandy Flunky $50.00
4th Kelsey Mantla $50.00
Taatı Nezı̨ı̨́,
Alestine Mantla
Language Coordinator