Posted on behalf of GNWT - Regional Superintendent, North Slave Regional Office, Department of Infrastructure:
Please be advised that there is a travel advisory in effect for the Gamètì̀ and Wekweètì Winter Roads until further notice due to the current forecast of high winds, snow, drifting snow, and poor visibility.
Potentially the Tłįchǫ Winter Roads may close to all traffic at some point over the weekend with little to no advance notice.
At this time Travel on the Gamètì̀ and Wekweètì Winter Roads is not recommended for this weekend.
The Department of Infrastructure will provide an update when we have completed the snow clearing operations and apologizes for any inconvenience this advisory may cause.
Tłı̨chǫ Winter Road system is currently restricted to NIGHT TRAVEL ONLY until further notice.
- The Tłįchǫ Winter Road will only be open from 10:00 PM until 10:00 AM daily to try to protect the portages and extend the life of the winter road.
- Travel is not permitted between the hours of 10:00 am to 10:00 pm.
Please use caution on all NWT Winter Roads.
Thank you,
Mársı | Kinanāskomitin | Thank you | Merci | Hąį’ | Quana | Qujannamiik | Quyanainni | Máhsı | Máhsı | Mahsı̀
Cameron Wilson
Regional Superintendent
North Slave Regional Office
Department of Infrastructure
Government of the Northwest Territories