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Kwetiiɂaà (Rayrock) Elders Camp September 2018

From September 10-17, 2018 the Tłı̨chǫ Government (TG) working in partnership with Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada Contaminants and Remediation Division (CIRNAC-CARD), Tłı̨chǫ Construction, Firelight Group, Fielding Environmental, Discovery Mining, 62 Degrees North and AECOM put together a camp for some members of the Kwetiiɂaà Elders Committee and environmental monitors to stay at the former Kwetiiɂaà (Rayrock) mine site for up to 7 nights doing various types of monitoring work. On September 12th and 13th, TG staff visited the monitors and Elders at site to record observations about how the land is healing since the mine was in operations from 1957-1959.

CIRNAC-CARD/TG hosted a fish fry lunch allowing the Elders to observe fish up close from Sherman Lake. The fish was deemed healthy and tasty. CIRNAC-CARD also held a water quality demonstration that was very helpful showing Elders how contaminants travel downstream. Traditional knowledge observations made by Elders about components such as vegetation, wildlife and water quality were recorded using voice recorders, photos and written notes. Our environmental monitors assisted AECOM with their assessments, and assisted the TG with recording Elders traditional knowledge.

Tłı̨chǫ Government staff would like to thank all the various people who made this camp possible and very productive. It is the hope of the Tłı̨chǫ Government that one day soon our people will be confident and feel safe to use the area for traditional practices as they have before the mine was in operations. There is still work to do but with these crucial partnerships, TG is confident that the job can be done to the satisfaction of our people. Masi cho!

Tłı̨chǫ people who took part:

  • Charlie Apples – Behchokǫ̀ Elder
  • Jimmy B. Rabesca – Whatì Elder
  • Joseph Judas – Wekweètì Elder
  • Noel Drybones – Behchokǫ̀ Elder
  • Corine Nitsiza – Interpreter
  • Violet Mackenzie – Interpreter
  • Alex Williah – Environmental Monitor
  • Damon Grosco – Environmental Monitor
  • Nikita Mantla – Environmental Monitor
  • Ryan Mackenzie – Environmental Monitor
  • Frank Beaulieu – Wildlife Monitor/Supervisor
  • Frankie Camsell – Wildlife Monitor
  • Leon Ekendia – Wildlife Monitor
  • Sam Lamouelle – Wildlife Monitor
  • Hardy Mantla – Wildlife Monitor
  • George Lafferty – CIRNAC CARD Community Consultations Officer
  • Nathan Vital – Labourer
  • Peter Siemens – Medic
  • Phoebe Rabesca – Kwetiiɂaà Project Officer
  • Tyanna Steinwand – Kwetiiɂaà Project Manager


For more information or if you have any questions/concerns please contact:
Tyanna Steinwand
Tłı̨chǫ Government Department of Lands Regulation
Lands Regulator/Kwetiiɂaà Project Manager
Phone: (867) 392-6381 ext 1357
Email: [email protected]