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LING 259 Language Course

Tlı̨chǫ Government has hosted a second language course in partnership with University of Victoria. The language course was completed in April 2021 had 16 successful students. 

LING 259 Indigenous Language II, provided instruction in an Indigenous language at the second-year level.  It focused on the development of listening, speaking, reading and writing skills of the Tlı̨chǫ language.  The seven days of learning gave the learners a chance to learn more Tlı̨chǫ Yatı̀ı through listening to Elders’ stories, practicing their speaking, reading Tlįchǫ legends and practicing Tlı̨chǫ writing. 

The course was delivered by Rosa H Mantla and her assistant teacher Alice E Rabesca; John B Zoe was a guest speaker on the importance of language revitalization and placenames, masi cho for delivering the course. Please keep a look out for new course announcements on Tlı̨chǫ facebook.

Contact: Alestine Mantla, Language Programs Coordinator
Phone: 867-392-6381 ext 1308
Email: [email protected]

Link to website for more information: