Ekwǫ̀ Nàxoèhdee K’è Training Courses 2021
Tłı̨chǫ Government Department of Culture and Lands Protection (research division) held 3 training courses in preparation for this summer’s field season at Deèzàatì and Kokètì.
- SVOP (small vessel operator proficiency) boat safety May 25-29
- Bear safety & bear guard with Andy Mcmullen’s Bearwise & Leon Ekendia May 31-June 2
- Wilderness first aid June 3-7
21 Individual's took the courses.
- Albert Nitsiza - Whatì
- Archie Zoe-Beaulieu - Whatì
- Bobby Nitsiza - Whatì
- Doreen Liske - Behchokǫ̀
- Eva Mantla - Behchokǫ̀
- Frankie Camsell - Behchokǫ̀
- Freddy Simpson - Whatì
- Janelle Nitsiza - Gamètì
- Janet Rabesca - Behchokǫ̀
- JJ Simpson - Whatì
- Johnny Boline - Wekweètì
- Joseph Alexis - Whatì
- Joseph Whane - Wekweètì
- Leon Ekendia - Behchokǫ̀
- Lisa Marie Zoe - Whatì
- Louisa Nitsiza - Whatì
- Nora Ekendia - Behchokǫ̀
- Peter Nitsiza - Whatì
- Richard Romie - Whatì
- Roy Judas - Wekweètì
- Victor Huskey - Behchokǫ̀
We organized the courses with Blyth and Bathe who were a pleasure to work with. Ması cho to the Community Government of Behchokǫ̀ for the venue and FC Services for catering. Violet Mackenzie was the Tłı̨chǫ interpreter.
Photo credit: Adam Bathe
Contact: Tyanna Steinwand, Research Operations Manager
DCLP Behchokǫ̀ Office
[email protected]
(867)-392-6381 ext 1357



