The Department of Culture and Lands Protection supports Tłı̨chǫ Citizens to be out on the land practicing our language, culture and way of life. The fall season and harvesting practices provide for the family, Elders and other community members.
Moose harvesters can apply for financial assistance of gas and groceries through their Community Director. Applications can be found in a link on this notice. Please ensure applications are properly completed before submitting to your Community Director for approval.
Each of our Tłı̨chǫ commuities have been affected by COVID-19. We support being out on the land during this pandemic but want to remind harvesters to follow all COVID-19 measures. It is important to stay within your family unit, hand sanitize regularly and wear a mask if you are closer than 2 feet apart from another family member. Check in with your community emergency contact daily. If you are not feeling well, go home, call the health center and follow their recommendations.
Best of luck on your harvest, stay safe and enjoy your time out on the land.
For more information please contact your Community Director.
Deadline for Applications: October 20, 2021 at 1PM
Tammy Steinwand-Deschambeault
Director, Department of Culture and Lands Protection.