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Congratulations to Jean Wetrade Gameti School

The first high school graduates from Jean Wetrade Gamètì School celebrated Wednesday, June 26, 2013 with family and friends. 

The Tlicho Community of Gamètì celebrated the official opening of its new school retrofit and the first year of a high school program for students on October 1, 2009.  That marked the beginning of high school programs being offered in Gamètì. The school offered grade 10 curriculum in 2009 and added grades 11 and 12 in subsequent years. There are 8 students registered in grade 10 in 2009 who in 2012 become the first high school graduates from Jean Wetrade Gamètì School.

Jean Wetrade Gamètì School (JWGS) is a modern community school originally constructed in 1992. The school is named after Jean Wetrade - a respected Tlicho elder who was a member of the original six families that settled in Rae Lakes in the mid 1960s. He passed away on April 15, 1994.