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Celebrating the Tłı̨chǫ Language for Aboriginal Language Month

Celebrating our language everyday!  March is recognized as Aboriginal Languages Month, and we will be posting resources highlighting the Tlicho Lanaguage. 

During this month aboriginal language is celebrated with promoting the language in the homes, schools and communities;

To strengthen the language by talking to our children, parents need to develop language in the oral language,

Tłı̨chǫ language has various sounds that the children need to hear, making sounds can be hard for them because they speak more English then Tłı̨chǫ language. Children need to hear the beautiful sounds of our language, k’a, tl’a, kw’a,łe, gwa, gha, be, ts’ı, ɂah, sa, zhah,

We all need to help the children and provide support in using our Tłı̨chǫ language in all areas day to day so that our language would not disappear; we have to keep it alive. We have to talk to our children everyday; it is easier to express ourselves when we speak in our own language.

We can laugh at how they make the sounds and words, express themselves wıth funny phrases but at the same time to correct them in a good way so they do not feel offended or put down. Sometimes they feel embarrassed when they are laughed at or teased but we still have to find ways of making our language comfortable, excıtıng and fun. We should never be afraıd and be ashamed to talk ın our own language, ıt ıs our Mother Tongue, from our Land.

Tłı̨chǫ tradition teachings from our parents and Elders was learnıng everyday. Now ıt’s for the month of March, wind tanning month, wind month, now March is known to be Aboriginal Language month, so in March other places celebrate Aboriginal Language activities, ie: one day only to show off Tłı̨chǫ yati to be spoken, children to read in Tlicho yati, songs, drama,

Our Elders are very, very important, we are grateful for having them guide us through our Tłı̨chǫ history, culture and language. There are many of our young adults that are very fluent in their Tłı̨chǫ yati and they should be proud to speak in Tłı̨chǫ yati anytime, anywhere because they have so many rich wonderful sounds, words and naming things that we do not really hear or use to talk with all the time. If the young parents and children can interact with the Elders that are still with us they will learn a lot from them. It ıs not too late. We have many resources that can be used to gain, promote, and maıntaın our Tłı̨chǫ knowledge, beliefs, traditions and stories. Many of our Elders, adults, youth and chıldren are gıfted to use Tłıcho Yatı ın theır daıly lıves. There are many recorded documents from our Elders that have passed on but these are the gifts of wisdom that they left for all of us to learn and to use so that we will be Strong Tłı̨chǫ People.

For more information please contact:
Rosa Mantla,
Tłı̨chǫ Language Culture Coordinator 
Tłı̨chǫ Community Services Agency