Two Tłı̨chǫ youths, Dayla Zoe-Chocolate and Kristy Camsell travelled to Ottawa, Ontario to participate in Take Our Kids to Work Day 2024 with the Honourable Minister of Crown Indigenous Relations, Gary Anandasangaree. The Minister’s team put together a day of activities that allowed the youth to meet the friendly faces that make Canada’s Parliament run.
Dayla and Kristy spent the day on Parliament Hill and met with the Prime Minister’s office, Members of Parliament, the Speaker of the House of Commons, and the Office of the Sergeant-at-arms. They learned about the media and communications side of parliamentary affairs and had the chance to explore the inner workings of the cabinet room.
Masì cho to Chief Jimmy Bruneau School for collaborating with the Tłı̨chǫ Government Department of Planning and Partnerships to make this opportunity possible for our youth.